Drop the pride! Stop the fear!!

Sometimes what holds us back isn’t fear but pride. Well, let me say its fear born from pride- though we may not know.
Probably God gave you a vision, you then begin to imagine how its gonna become reality-its not like that imagination is leading you to trust God or ask Him for direction/instruction–nadar. This imagination I’m talking about is the one that makes you start belittling the ideas God is giving you. You start giving yourself a thousand and one reasons that will make this idea unacceptable to people around you. Like your reputation is at stake, like you’re too big for this/that. What will people say?

Hmmmn! The bottom line is that people’s acceptance and approval have now become the basis for following your vision. No! It shouldn’t be!!
Is it a business idea? A career pursuit? Whatever it is…an unusual one probably not familiar to you or people around you

God has a purpose for giving you that vision
Seek Him for instruction and direction
Get direction and step out in faith
Don’t despise the days of little beginning
Trust, trust and trust the Visioneer
He’s got your back!
He’ll come through for you.

Drop that pride!
Don’t be scared to start small!!
The world awaits your manifestation!!!

It will only get better when you launch into the deep — in faith
(Nothing of self-sufficiency but total dependence on God!!)

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